1 1
0 3
0 3
9. HOLD Command
The user can send SMS command and overtake control of a relay and keep it active (ON) until cancelation command is
received for each one of the two relays.
When the relay is in HOLD mode, it will not function to any other command until a cancelation command is received.
Instead of activating the relay, the unit will send SMS to the user that says “
Hold Command is Active
if the user
tried to open the gate with his mobile phone.
=> The user can send SMS of HOLD COMMAND to overtake control of any one of the two relays as follows:
To send HOLD command by SMS
To Cancel the HOLD command by SMS
PPPP represent the 4 digit PASWORD.
The letter “ N ” represents relay 1 or relay 2.
Example of SMS HOLD command for relay 2: 9999**03*21#
The unit will send SMS to the sender to confirm Hold Command as follows: “
Confirming Relay 2 is Active ON
Example of SMS canceling HOLD command for relay 2: 9999**03*22#
SMS confirming t of cancelling Hold Command will be received as follows: “
Confirming Relay 2 is no longer Hold Active
You can send one SMS to cancel both Hold commands for both the relays as follows:
You can send one SMS to cancel both Hold commands for both the relays as follows:
10. How to limit the Talking Time
You can select and limit the talking time with the visitor by SMS command.
The factory default limit time is 59 second (before the next flag fall).
The system will end up each call (after the chosen “Talking Time”) by an announcement: “
” .
To change the talking time by SMS command, send the SMS as follows:
The letters “ PPPP ” represent the 4 digit PASWORD.
The letters “T T “ represent the time in seconds according to the table below:
Enter: 0 0 => for Zero talking time
Enter: 3 0 => for 30 seconds talking time
Enter: 5 9 => for 59 seconds talking time
Enter: 6 1 => for 1 Minute talking time
Enter: 6 2 => for 2 Minutes talking time
Enter: 6 3 => for 3 Minutes talking time
Enter: 6 9 => for 9 Minutes talking time
Enter: 7 0 => for 10 Minutes talking time
Enter: 9 9 => for unlimited talking time. (Not recommended).
The unit will confirm by sending SMS message to the sender as follows: “
Confirming the talking time was changed
11. How to check the next available empty memory cell in the system
In order to get the next available empty memory position in the system by SMS command, send SMS as follows:
represent the 4 digit PASWORD.
The unit will send SMS reply to the sender that says:
“ The nest available position is X X X “
The letters X X X represent three digit number (such as 055) to indicate the empty memory position.