29 / 123
Note: The following operations can be performed only using the main
keypad KP16.
Service mode is intended for configuration of basic parameters related to zones, outputs and
partitions. It allows to manually, using a keypad, program all correlations necessary for correct
system operation.
After the service mode is initiated a number of service functions are available. To configure the
system, enter the number of function and its arguments, related to the function, as following:
<Number of function>
Number of function –
number of one of available service functions,
Argument –
the argument of a given service function (of BIT or DEC type).
Each service function has one of two argument types: binary (BIT) or decimal (DEC) . Handling
each of the two types of arguments is presented below:
Binary type (BIT)
When the binary argument type function is entered, the current option status is displayed with
LEDs relevant to a given option of the function on/off. Press 1 to 9 buttons to change the status
of LED and the option it corresponds to. Options 10 – 16 may be changed by long press the
buttons 0 – 6. The installer can change the option status as many times as they want. When
the desired status is set, press
to confirm or
to exit without saving changes.
Decimal type (DEC)
Service function that accepts decimal type arguments can also accept any length strings of
decimal numbers, not exceeding the maximum length pre-defined for the function. When a
character is entered, a cursor gets automatically ready for entering the next character. Press
to save currently entered changes and exit the service function, press
to cancel
entered changes and exit the service function. Before you press any key on a keypad, the
currently programmed parameter value is displayed. It is presented by displaying subsequent
digits of the parameter with a short pause in between. When all digits of the parameter are
displayed, the pause is longer.
After pressing the numerical button, the lately entered digit is displayed on a keypad. The way
the digits are displayed on a keypad is presented in the table below: