32 / 123
– Enable faults memory indication – when is switched off, LED SYSTEM does not
show by blinking the faults that are not active; you can display inactive faults by
choosing “faults memory” user function.
– Disable ATS monitoring. If his option is enabled, ATS failure isn’t signaled to the
user in any way on the keypad and it doesn’t cause arm prevention.
– Disable automatic arm prevention overriding when fault. If this option is disabled
and at least on fault is active in the system, arm prevention isn’t signaled to the user
during partition arming. Instead arm prevention is automatically overridden. If option
is enabled, faults causes arm prevention which can be overridden by user.
– Access to alarm and fault memory requires authorization. If this option is
enabled, checking alarm memory and fault memory is available only after a user code
is entered. This option must be enabled in order to comply with EN 50131 standard
requirements for Grade 2.
– Alarms and inputs interlocking states are not displayed. If this option is
enabled,.alarms and line state are not displayed on the keypad. This option must be
enabled in order to comply with EN 50131 standard requirements for Grade 2.
– Temporary keyboard lock after three access failures. If this option is enabled, the
keypad will be blocked for 90 seconds, after entering an invalid code three times.
After this period, another lock will occur after entering a wrong code three times. The
counter of invalid codes will be reset after a correct code is entered (e.g. after
entering invalid code two times). This option must be enabled in order to comply with
EN 50131 standard requirements for Grade 2.
– Use duress code. Duress code is used to inform the monitoring station about a
distress event. Each user has his own duress code.
NOTE: Firmware versions older than 2.1.0 do not support the duress
code. Upgrading the Firmware to version 2.1.0 or newer one has to
make sure that there are no conflicts between existing users and
their duress codes.
– Show partition arming mode instead of inputs interlocking states. By default
systerm will show violated and interlocked zones on diodes 1-8. Setting this option
will tell the system to show partitoin armind mode on diodes 1-2. Zones states will no
longer be available.
Display scheme:
Led off – partition disarmed
Led on – partition armed in away mode
Led blinking – partition armed in stay mode
You can press
any time to exit without saving changes.
Users remote management
That function allow to switch on or switch off remote users management. The argument of
the function is BIT type. By pressing key 1, you can switch on/off option. 3 beeps will
confirm the successfully entered function.