1000 Eaton Boulevard
Cleveland, OH 44122
United States
Lighting systems
1121 Highway 74 South
Peachtree City, GA 30269
© 2018 Eaton
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Printed in USA
Publication No. IL503033EN
July 11, 2018 4:34 PM
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SVPD Programming Guide
Lighting is ON but
fixtures are at different
light levels
daylight dimming is operating
daylight dimming is enabled where not
occupancy detection scene level set improperly
• Before making any adjustments, look at the natural light entering the
space and the location of fixtures that are at dimmest levels. The
different light levels may be the appropriate dimming response to natural
daylight in the space. If response seems appropriate, the system is
operating properly.
• If response does not seem appropriate to daylit vs. non-daylit areas,
determine which fixtures should dim with daylighting. If there are
fixtures that should not daylight dim, follow the steps in this document to
disable daylight dimming and set the occupancy detection scene level.
• If the fixtures should dim with daylighting, they may need recalibration.
Follow the steps in this document to set the occupancy detection scene
• If the response still does not seem appropriate, fixtures may be too close
to each other causing competing control loops. Follow the steps in this
document to disable daylight dimming for strategic fixtures and set the
occupancy detection scene level.
How do I know if the
sensor is working on
power up
• Turn the fixture circuit OFF and then ON. The light should start at a 100%
light level and then lower to the daylight level if daylight dimming is
• During the power up sequence, the sensor’s red LED should slow blink
(ON for 2 seconds, OFF for 2 seconds) for a 1 minute period and then
blink only upon motion detection.
• Using the programming remote (ISHH-01) press the relay ON/OFF button
and RAISE/LOWER buttons to ensure the light fixture turns ON/OFF and
dims properly.