Sonix Hmi-5 Technical Manual
TM373 / A June 2022
6 Configuration
The Hmi-5, like most of Sonix, has been designed to be
configurable via the common Sonix software interface.
For most of the configuration options for the Hmi-5
access panel, please see the Sonix Administration
Software (SAS) user manual.
6.1 Hardware configuration links
There are no hardware configuration (jumper) links on
the Sonix Hmi-5 unit.
6.2 Solo connected access panels
Hmi-5 access panel installed with a single data
connection should be installed and configured with the
following options:
Use the A-side terminals, even if intended to be
connected as part of a B-system installation. There
are common circuits that can only be adjusted by the
A side.
Disable Inter-FPGA fault monitoring.
6.3 Fully connected access panels
An Hmi-5 with data connections to both A and B sides
should have the followings settings/considerations:
Priority must be identical
Unit ID should be identical but not essential
Enable Inter-FPGA fault monitoring.
Ensure the audio options are identical:
Routine Chime
mportant Message Chime
PTT Release delay
PTT Timeout
Microphone volume
The other setup options should be the same:
Fault monitoring
Firmware controlled functionality should be identical:
Available buttons
6.4 Unit ID
Each Hmi-5 access panel on a system needs to have
a unique identifier, called a Unit ID or number. This
number, between 1 and 31, is used to identify the
access panel to the 2Mx central controller and SAS
To read or change configuration or set the Unit ID, SAS
installed on computer and Sonix data connection cable
are required. Please see the SAS user manual for more
6.4.1 Ping-set (Set new Unit ID)
It is likely that multiple persons will be required due to limited
time window to accept the new ID.
To ping-set an Hmi-5 the following procedure needs to
be followed:
1. Connect Computer with SAS installed and working to
the system via the data connection cable
2. Navigate to Hmi-5 configuration screen
3. Press Ping-set and enter a new Unit ID
Note: Unit ID’s need to be unique for Hmi-5’s on the
system, but same for A/B sides
4. Once the software has sent the ping-set command
ALL Hmi-5 access panels that receive the command
will illuminate all LEDs for ~10 seconds
If A side is powered up and Ping-set is sent to B-side only the
LEDs will NOT illuminate.
5. Pressing both left hand buttons* together on the
Hmi-5 access panel during this 10 second window
will cause that local panel to accept the new Unit ID
This is where a second person standing by the panel is
6. Any Hmi-5 access panel which has not had the
accept procedure pressed during the 10 second
window will discard the command and retain their
current Unit ID and configuration
The exact button presses required depend on the hardware and
firmware on the unit, but standard configuration is both left hand but-
tons together.
6.5 Priority
Priority is set on a unit by unit basis as part of the
general system configuration. See SAS manual and
section 6.6.1 for more details
6.6 Microphone Volume
The Hmi-5 access panel has the ability to reduce the
sensitivity of the microphone.
Values range as follows:
Full volume
Mid volume
-2.5 dB
Low volume
-5.5 dB
Table 5 - Microphone volume gain values
The unit must be fully power cycled after changing the volume
setting to allow the gain to be adjusted.