Instruction Book
July 2018
Remote Power Racking System
Eaton’s RPR-2 provides a means of remotely racking most Power
Circuit Breakers that utilize the rotation of a shaft for insertion
and removal. The person can be 25 feet or more away from the
switchgear door during the racking process. This need for distance
away from the switchgear is due to safety precautions from potential
Arc Flash occurrences.
Electric arcs result from thermal ionization that occurs when
current flow is interrupted by the separation of conductors. Thermal
ionization can generate temperatures as high as 35,000
F. Conductor
materials melt into metal vapor and the surrounding air is ionized.
If the arc is outside the interrupting chamber of a power circuit
breaker, then a violent explosion occurs resulting in an inferno of
ionized gases, molten debris, metal shrapnel, and a flash of light
(Arc Flash). When Arc Flash initiates in a switchgear cabinet, the
rapidly escalating pressure will dislodge compartment doors and
side sheets of the switchgear and turn hardware into high-speed
Arc Flash levels are a function of circuit voltage, maximum
available short circuit current at the point of flashover, conditions
of confinement, and the distance between the point of flashover
and the point of measurement. Many Arc Flash incidences with
Low Voltage and Medium Voltage switchgear occur during the
process of inserting and removing (racking) Power Circuit Breakers
in switchgear cubicles. Personnel are typically within two feet of
the front of the power circuit breaker during the racking process
and this close proximity to an Arc Flash can cause serious injury.
Published records indicate over 2000 people are treated annually in
burn centers from exposure to Arc Flash and some result in death.
A company’s financial exposure is rarely less than $100,000 for
medical care and insurance claims per incident. NFPA 70E provides
guidance for the requirements of personal protective equipment
(PPE) to protect personnel from arc flash exposure. PPE for high
levels of Arc Flash can be bulky, hot, and uncomfortable. This may
dissuade personnel from wearing proper protection. The best way
to limit exposure to Arc Flash during the process of racking power
circuit breakers is to put more distance between the person and the
possible point of exposure.
Eaton’s RPR-2 can allow personnel to wear a lower level of PPE,
increasing worker comfort and mobility, while operating the RPR-2
from an increased distance from the power circuit breaker. Since
personnel can be outside the Arc Flash protection boundary while
operating the RPR-2, the power circuit breaker door does not have
to be closed during the racking process. Closed door racking is
possible with many designs, however structure modifications may
be necessary. Customer surveys have shown that any remote
racking device must:
Be easily and quickly set up
Does not require programming
Be portable and easy to maneuver
Be capable of racking numerous manufacturers’ models of power
circuit breakers
The RPR-2 system is the solution that provides the value and
features customers request.
The RPR-2 unit comes pre-programmed for up to eight different
power circuit breakers. The programs are pre-selected by the
customer to meet their requirements, and the unit is programmed
per these requirements at the Power Breaker Center. No additional
programming is necessary; simply select the applicable program for
the power circuit breaker.
Eaton provides additional documentation designed to enhance the
technical information provided in this instruction booklet for the
RPR-2. The digital supplemental booklet features informative videos
intended to assist with the RPR-2. The document is available for
immediate access at www.eaton.com/RPR-2.
There is a quick response code (QR Code) on the escutcheon of the
head unit and UPS sleeve of the RPR-2. This QR Code is a matrix
barcode that provides direct access to download RPR-2 specific
documentation, such as product instruction booklets and a visual
presentation documentation. See Figure 1.1 for the featured RPR-2
QR Code.
A smaro phNnt wioh an adtquaot QR CNdt Scanntr applicaoiNn
muso bt ustd. DNwnlNading cNnotno may incur daoa chargts frNm oht
mNbilt strvict prNvidtr.
Figurt 1.1. Quick RtspNnst CNdt
RPR-2 QR Code