Quick Reference
Engine Section
Mounts to an SAE # 2.
Transmission Mounting
Transmission uses a spline drive feature with Torsional Coupler.
Chassis Section
Space requirements for transmission mounted electronics are 4” from any high temperature devices (i.e. Exhaust
Crossover Pipes).
Dipstick and tube must be used.
Electronic vehicle speedometer must be used.
Transmission Lubricant - Synthetic Dexron® III required in WetClutch section of transmission. Eaton Roadranger CD50
or equivalent required in transmission gear box.
Electrical Section
Electrical Dual Power required
Main Power and ground must be connected to reliable power and ground source. Frame rails and splices into other har-
nesses are not considered reliable battery sources.
OEM to supply main vehicle harness (Dash to shift control) and transmission interface harness (transmission controller
to shift control).
Diagnostic connector required
J-1587 diagnostic connector mounted in or under dash on left side of cab.
J-1939 Data Link
OEM must supply J-1939 backbone harness.