Line Inspection, continued
Checklist Instructions
Refer to the line inspection form (4013-002) while performing the following procedure.
Note: All information must be filled in at top of the form.
Pre-Start Checks
The following tests must be performed in one of three ways.
By visually observing the power up procedure. This is the preferred test.
By visually verifying the harness connections.
Ignition Bus Check:
Turn on the key switch and visually observe the Shift Control. Does the Service light turn on and tone
sound? If yes, there is ignition power to the transmission.
Visually verify that the transmission ignition power supply is protected by an automatic resetting 10amp/
12 VDC circuit breaker or fuse and verify that main power is protected by a 30AMP/12 VDC fuse.
Verify the transmission WetClutch has section been filled with Synthetic Dexron® III and the transmission
main gear box is filled with Roadranger® CD 50 before starting the engine. See Lubricant requirement
section in this manual for details.
Clutch Calibration
The ASW system automatically provides for clutch wear. The system will initiate a clutch calibration once per each vehi-
cle power up when certain vehicle conditions are right. Of these conditions, the most important ones are: the engine is
running at idle speed, at its normal operating temperature, the vehicle is stopped, and neutral is selected on the Shift
Console. During the calibration, the clutch is partially engaged until the engine begins to slightly lug down. It will then
disengage the clutch and repeat this process several times. The calibration process usually takes as little as thirty sec-
onds but can take as long as two minutes. The calibration will be aborted when any position other than Neutral is
selected on the Shift Console.
If it appears that the vehicle is not engaging smoothly from a stop, it is possible that the clutch needs to be re-cali-
brated. If it has not been previously calibrated during the current power up, stop the vehicle with the engine idling at its
normal operating temperature and place the Shift Console in Neutral and wait two minutes. If the calibration is being
performed you should hear the engine slightly lug down and then return to its no load condition several times.
If calibration does not occur Power Down/Power Up and wait for calibration.