Management Card
User Manual
Network Management Card
– User Manual
For the main outlet ("Master" by default)
The first shutdown criteria initiates the restart of the
shutdown sequence
If remaining time is under
(0 to 99999 seconds, 180 by default) is the minimum remaining backup time
from which the shutdown sequence is launched.
If battery capacity is under
(0 to 100%); this value cannot be less than that of the UPS and is the
minimum remaining battery capacity level from which the shutdown sequence is launched.
Shutdown after
(0 to 99999 minutes, not validated by default) is the operating time in minutes left for
users after a switch to backup before starting the shutdown sequence.
Shutdown duration
(120 seconds by default) is the time required for complete shutdown of systems
when a switch to backup time is long enough to trigger the shutdown sequences. It is calculated
automatically at the maximum of Shutdown duration of subscribed clients but can be modified in the
Advanced mode.
If battery capacity exceeds
Minimum battery level to reach before restarting the UPS after utility
Important: Certain UPSs do not support this option
Turn off UPS after sequential shutdown
mode, the card doesn’t send the Shutoff command to the UPS.
mode, the card sends the Shutoff command to the UPS on the shutdown criteria.
: By default, this option is set to
. But if the card detects that an IPP is connected to
the card, then the option goes automatically to
, and stays in this state. At this time, only the user
can modify this setting.
For the controlled outlets ("group 1 or group 2" by default)
The page enables programming of operation time and level in backup mode to manage outlet load shedding in
the event of electric power failure:
Switch Off after
(from 0 to 99999, 65535 by default) defines the time during which the outlet is supplied
starting from the moment of utility failure. Caution, this time includes the outlet shutdown duration.
Switch Off if battery capacity under
(0 by default) is an extra condition for outlet shutdown that can
trigger the shutdown sequence before the shutdown duration runs out.
Shutdown duration
is the time required for complete shutdown of the systems supplied by the outlet
when an outlet shutdown sequence is launched.
It is calculated automatically using the maximum shutdown durations of notified applications on the
Switch On after
(from 0 to 99999, default 65535) is the period between main output startup and startup
of the relevant programmable outlet, therefore outlet startup can be delayed in relation to the main
Important: Certain UPSs do not support this option