OperatiOnal manual
MN156001EN October 2015 www.eaton.com
Overall Status Screen
The Overall Status screen provides information on the
status of the unit. When connected in parallel with other
active filters, it provides information on the status of the
entire parallel system.
Unit Information
Unit Statuse:
Indicates whether the unit is in Run or
Stopped condition.
Unit Ratinge:
Indicates the amperage rating of the unit.
Indicates if the unit has been derated by a
Indicates the total output current of the unit.
Unit IDe:
Indicates the unit unique identification number.
Each unit in a parallel system must have a unique unit ID.
System Information
System Statuse:
Indicates the status of the system.
Available Cape:
Indicates the total capacity of units in the
parallel system currently available, which includes all units
currently running (actively compensating) and units in
Active Cape:
Indicates the total capacity of units in the
parallel system currently running (actively compensating).
Indicates the output current of the system in
Master IDe:
Indicates the unit ID of the unit that is currently
acting as the Master.
Indicates the priority group that is operating.
Parallel Unit Status
Parallel Unit Status displays when Network is selected in
System Settings, Parallel Configuration.
The Parallel Unit Status provide general operating condition
of each unit in the parallel system.
Selecting Synchronize System Settings synchronizes the
System Status settings for all networked parallel units in the
Unit Configuration Screen
The Unit Configuration screen provides the configuration
information for the unit.
HMI Versione:
Displays the HMI software version that is
loaded on the HMI.
Control DSP Versione:
Displays the software version
installed on the Control DSP.
Protection DSP Versione:
Displays the software version
installed on the Protection DSP.