Commissioning and start-up
OperatiOnal manual
MN156001EN October 2015 www.eaton.com
Reactive Mode
is off, no compensation is selected.
Reactive Mode—PFe:
With PF mode selected, additional
parameters available for the PF mode are displayed.
Optimized PFe:
When set to OFF, the unit maintains the
PF cos (phi) setting. When set to ON and the load is less
than the PF cos (phi) setting, the unit corrects the power
factor to PF cos (phi). If the load PF is greater than the
setting, the unit does not compensate unless the power
factor is set to maintain a Lag power factor and the load
becomes leading. Then, the unit corrects the power factor
to a PF cos (phi) of 1.00. If the PF cos (phi) is set to Lead
and the power factor of the load is lagging, the unit corrects
to a PF cos (phi) of 1.00.
With a PF cos (phi) set to 0.98 Lag, the unit
maintains a Power Factor of 0.98 Lag when the corrected
load is lagging. If the power factor improves to 0.99, no
compensation is provided. If the connected load produces
a leading power factor, the unit corrects the power factor
to 1.00.
PF cos (phi)e:
Target power factor setting. The power factor
can be set for either a leading or lagging cos (phi).
Load Balancinge:
When ON, the unit corrects for load
imbalance (negative sequence current).
Reactive Mode—V-Rege:
Voltage Regulation Mode. Voltage
regulation mode monitors the voltage and adjusts the
reactive current injected to maintain a voltage level.
V-Reg Set Pointe:
Set the desired voltage to be maintained.
V-Reg Gaine:
Adjusts the response time of the voltage
regulation. The higher the percentage of V-Reg Gain, the
faster the response is. Faster response increases the
potential for voltage instability of the electrical system.
PF Current Feedforwarde:
When OFF, CTs are not required
for this application. The unit maintains the V-Reg Set Point
based on the unit’s terminal voltage.
When ON, CTs are required for this application. The unit
provides the reactive current required based on the PF
cos (phi) set point resulting from rapid changes in the load.
Adjustments to the reactive power are implemented to
maintain the V-Reg Set Point.
PF cos (phi)
is set to 1.0 by default. Go to System
Settings/Compensation Modes to change the target PF
cos (phi) set point.
Load Balancinge:
When ON, the unit corrects for load
imbalance (negative sequence current).