Enterprise Power Solutions Installation and Operation Guide
Copyright © 2008 Eaton Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
IPN 997-00012-56C September 2008
Battery Module Selection (optional)
To calculate the required number of optional Powerware 5125 EBM battery modules:
Plot the total Equipment Power (watts) and the required battery run-time (minutes) on
the following graph.
The number shown in each zone of the graph is the number of battery modules required.
Connect the modules as shown on page
. Connect up to five modules to each battery
Battery Run Time
Equipment Power (watts)
= the required number of battery modules.
Run Times are approximate and can vary due to battery age and condition.
Run Times are based on an end voltage of 43.2V (1.8V per cell).
(as shown on the graph) for a total Equipment Power of 1800 watts and a battery
run-time of 60 minutes, connect four battery modules.