Quick Start Guide
EGR-5000 Quick Start Guide
Effective November 2011
Close the “Function” in the “Protection
Para/Set 1/Loss of Excitation/40-Z1(1)”
dialog box by clicking on the “X” at the right
top corner of the box. Double click on
“Volts/Hertz” under the Set 1 menu tree item
then double clock on “24(1)” and the
“Protection Para/Set 1/Volts/Hertz/24(1)-
Volts/Hertz” dialog box shown to the left will
Double click on “Function” in the “Protection
Para/Set 1/Volts/Hertz/24(1)-Volts/Hertz”
dialog box and the screen shown to the left
will appear.
The drop-down menu in this screen allows
the User to change the “Function” setting.
The User can choose the “Active” or
“Inactive” setting. Once the desired setting
has been selected, click on the “OK” button.
An asterisk will appear next to the modified
Close the “Protection Para/Set
1/Volts/Hertz/24(1)-Volts/Hertz” dialog box
by clicking on the “X” at the right top corner
of the box. Double click on “”I-Prot” under
the Set 1 menu tree item then double clock
on “50P[1]-Phase Inst. OC” and the
“Protection Para/Set 1/50P[1}-Phase Inst.
OC” dialog box shown to the left will appear.