Quick Start Guide
Close the “System Para/General Settings”
dialog box by clicking on the “X” at the right
top corner of the box. Double click on
“Direction” in the “System Para” menu. The
“System Para/Direction” dialog box, shown
to the left, will appear.
Double click on “Phase MTA” (Maximum
Phase Angle) in the “System Para/Direction”
dialog box and the screen shown to the left
will appear.
The up and down arrows in this screen
allows the User to change the Phase MTA
degrees. The available range is from 0 to
360 degrees. Once the desired Phase MTA
has been set, click on the “OK” button. An
asterisk will appear next to the modified
The “System Para/Direction” dialog box can
also be used to set:
IR Dir Cntrl;
IX DIR Cntrl;
3V0 Source; and
Ground MTA.
Close the “System Para/Direction” dialog
box by clicking on the “X” at the right top
corner of the box. Double click on “General
Settings” in the “System Para” menu. The
“System Para/General Settings” dialog box,
shown to the left, will appear.