EGR-5000 Quick Start Guide
Effective November 2011
The purpose of this Quick Start Guide is to guide the User through the essential steps required to
commission an EGR-5000. This Quick Start Guide is not a replacement for the complete manual
that can be found on the CD shipped with the EGR-5000. For wiring instructions and complete
descriptions of the protective functions, please consult the complete instruction manual.
This Quick Start Guide was developed using Simulation EGR-5000_V2.0.d and PowerPort-E V.3.2.
Quick Start Guide
Rev. A
Section 1: Navigation.................................... 3
Section 2: Saving Parameters ...................... 5
Section 3: Device Setup Using the Front
Panel Soft Keys ........................... 7
3.1 Setting the Basic System
Parameters................................. 7
3.2 Setting the Basic Protection
Parameters............................... 16
Section 4: Assigning/Mapping Relay Outputs
Using the Front Panel Soft
Keys........................................... 24
Section 5: Device Setup Using
PowerPort-E .............................. 27
5.1 Setting the Basic System
Parameters............................... 29
5.2 Setting the Basic Protection
Parameters............................... 33
Section 6: Assigning/Mapping Relay Outputs
Using PowerPort-E .................... 38