This manual describes the installation of Durant Eclipse series digital ratemeter/
process timer models 5770X-47X. It begins with a description of the base unit and
the plug-in option boards. That is followed by mounting information, wiring diagrams,
and programming instructions. This manual concludes with diagnostic test and cali-
bration information and specifications. This device provides a rate or time readout
for the operator. Although the unit may be doing other functions as well, the only
thing the operator has to do with it is to observe the display.
Base Unit
The Eclipse accepts a digital, pulsed signal from a sensor (that may be on an en-
coder, proximity or photo sensor, magnetic pickup, flowmeter, limit switch, etc.). It
calculates a rate or time, based upon the frequency of the input signal, to be dis-
played to the observer. The display can read in units of rate such as RPM, feet per
minute, barrels per hour, etc., or in units of time such as baking time or mold ma-
chine cycle time. In either case, the Eclipse employes the fiendishly clever Tau method
of calculation, which means that it very accurately times the period of the pulse
(Tau). Once Tau is known, the unit determines rate by the formula:
Rate =
X Scaler
If the Eclipse is programmed to display process time, Tau is plugged into a slightly
different formula:
Process Time = Tau X Scaler
Either calculation requires that the installer program the unit with a scaler. The scaler
is a conversion factor that accounts for three conditions that are specific to the appli-
1. The units of time to be displayed, generally seconds, minutes, or hours.
2. The weight of each input pulse.
3. The resolution (decimal point location) of the display.
The installer calculates the scaler by using the appropriate formula below, depend-
ing upon whether the Eclipse should display rate or process time.
To display rate:
Scaler =
where NOS = number of seconds in time unit (1 = seconds, 60 = minutes, 3600 =
hours, etc.).