the low setpoint or greater than the high setpoint. The output will be OFF whenever
the displayed rate is in the window. The totalizer scaled pulse output mode is called
pulsed. Pulsed is really a timed mode, but instead of selecting an output time in the
range of 0.01 to 99.99 seconds, there are three outputs times from which to choose.
Pulsed fast outputs turn OFF after 500
sec, pulsed medium outputs turn OFF after
2 msec, and pulsed slow outputs turn OFF after 10 msec. If the totalizer is counting
faster than it can spit pulses out, it can store up to 9999 counts in a buffer. This is
great as a temporary fix; however, if this condition is persistent, pick a faster pulsed
output mode.
The batcher only has one programmable output, relay 2. This output can be set to
any of the totalizer assignments mentioned above, or to one of two other assign-
ments unique to batchers. The prewarn setpoint output is a latched mode that is
used for two valve batch delivery and variations thereof. Prewarn operation is de-
scribed on page 5. Finally, the assignment can be cycle setpoint. If this is chosen,
relay 2 will turn ON when the cycle count equals the cycle preset. Cycle setpoint
modes are timed and latched.
Assignment and mode selections are made in programming blocks r1 and r3. If a
timed mode is selected in r1, the timeout is entered into block r2. If a timed mode is
elected in r3, the timeout is entered into r4.
All assignment and mode (AM) selections for blocks r1 and r3 are listed below. Note
that there are two lists: one for a totalizer and one for a batcher. You already know by
now which one you have, so pick the right list and make your choice(s).
Tota liz e r
O utpu t 1 (b loc k r1 )
Total S etpoint, Tim ed
0 1 To ta l S etpo in t, La tch e d
1 0 R a te Lo w, Tim ed
11 R a te Lo w, La tch ed
1 2 R a te Lo w, F o llow s
2 0 R a te H ig h, Tim e d
2 1 R a te H ig h, La tch e d
2 2 R a te H ig h, F ollow s
3 2 R a te H ig h/L ow, F o llo w s
O utpu t 2 (b loc k r3 )
0 0 To ta l S etpo in t, Tim e d
0 1 To ta l S etpo in t, La tch e d
1 0 R a te Lo w, Tim ed
11 R a te Lo w, La tch ed
1 2 R a te Lo w, F o llow s
2 0 R a te H ig h, Tim e d
R ate High, Latched
2 2 R a te H ig h, F ollow s
3 2 R a te H ig h/L ow, F o llo w s
4 3 To ta l P uls e O u t F a s t
5 3 To ta l P uls e O u t M e dium
6 3 To ta l P uls e O u t S low