UPS 40 – 160 kVA, 400V 50/60 Hz output
User’s and Installation Guide
Revision C
Press the HISTORY pushbutton on the Active Events Menu bar to display the History Log. The
History Log lists up to the 500 system events in chronological order, with the most recent event
listed last.
The History Log lists the events in the following groups:
• User and service status
• User instruction
• User alarm
• Check UPS
• Schedule service
• UPS shutdown
• Service alarm
The end of the log, i.e the most recent events, appears when you display the screen, and you
must scroll upward to view older event listings. To scroll through the events, press the UP or
DOWN pushbuttons on the menu bar. To return to the Active Events screen, press the EVENTS
pushbutton on the menu bar.
6.2.2 Meter Screens
Press the METERS pushbutton on the Main Menu bar to display the Unit Meter screens. To
scroll through the meter screens, press the UP or DOWN pushbuttons on the menu bar. The
current UPS readings are displayed in the information area of the screen.
Input screen
shows input voltage (phase-to-phase), output current (each phase),
and frequency, of the incoming utility source, followed by the kVA, kW, and power factor
Bypass screen
shows the bypass input voltage (phase-to-neutral), output current (each
phase), and frequency, of the incoming utility source, followed by the kVA, kW, and power
factor measurements.
Battery screen
displays the battery voltage (Vdc), the battery current (Idc), battery life, and the
minutes of battery time remaining. When battery life decreases to less than 20 %, Check Battery is
Output screen
shows output voltage (phase-to-neutral), output current (each phase),
and frequency, being supplied by the UPS, followed by the kVA, kW, and power factor
Figure 28
Input, bypass, battery and output meter screens.