the door opening. This horizontal scribe mark should be 1.5mm up from the bottom of the body. DO
NOT extend the scribed line past the door opening. See DMBS GUARD’S DOOR CLOSE UP (Cl. 108
With the exception of the guard's compartment, all doors have externally fitted hinges. Drill
through all the holes in the sides 0.7mm dia. for door hinges, handles and door bump-stops
(see step
8 before continuing)
(DMBS) Guard’s doors also have vertical handrails either side of the door, these too need
holes drilling through 0.7mm dia.
Check the depth of score lines at the door positions and deepen if you prefer. Carefully
remove the raised burr from the door opening scores, work steadily and re-open score marks as
necessary until desired effect has been achieved.
**TIP - Use a gentle scraping action followed by fine wet-n-dry (wet is best) for these two operations.
Alternatively, a small chisel can be used to shave off the burrs. Old flat needle files can be ground into
chisels and are ideal for this purpose. Be careful not to dig into the surrounding surface of the sides.
Now would be a good time to give the sides a rub down with fine wet & dry to really see what
the job looks like. At this stage you can go over any of the previous body prep. operations quite easily
until you are fully satisfied with the results. Once the door hinges are in place it is much
more difficult to do so.
At this stage you will need 12 sets of hinges (2 large and 1 short hinge per door
parts E12). Remember that the short hinge goes in the centre with a large hinge top and
bottom. On the prototype we used as the basis for this kit the door hinges are
of the earlier type without the ‘butterfly’ mounting (part E11). It is probably
unusual for this arrangement to have survived throughout the unit’s working
life so, if possible, check photographs of your chosen unit before deciding on
this fitment. However, if fitting the butterflies - remove an equal number of
‘butterflies’ from the etch, 1 for each hinge. The hinge piece is pushed
through a butterfly shaped backing piece then glued into the hole in the side trapping the butterfly with
the hinge, see right. Remember - the guard’s doors open inward so have no visible external hinges.
**TIP - You will find that the application nozzle on many brands of superglue will fit neatly over the
hinge’s spike. Once pushed through the body side push the nozzle over the protruding spike and gently
squeeze a small amount of glue into the hole.
Using the 1mm micro rod ‘plug’ the holes in the door centres and those to the left (and right
for baggage doors) of the doors to represent the door stops. Remember that when drilling the holes
the size stated for the door bump-stops was 0.7mm, this enables other solutions to be considered for
this detail. If you intend to use micro rod open out the holes accordingly. The stops should be trimmed
so that they protrude not more than 1mm from the sides. Note: door stops are not fitted to all doors
(e.g. none on the guard’s doors because they open inward). Do not fit door handles and grab irons
until after painting.
**TIP - To ensure all the bump stops are trimmed to the same length: drill a 1mm dia. hole in a piece of
1mm (40 thou) thick scrap styrene (or other sheet material). Place the scrap styrene over the bump stop
so that it protrudes through the hole and gently pare back the excess with a sharp knife, followed by a
fine file. Remove the styrene and, once all bump stops have been so treated, give them all a gentle