1.Resource list...................................................01
2.Operation method................................................01
3.Main Structure .................................................02
4.Technical Specification.........................................03
5.Quick start 1 - Mapping and navigation..........................04
6.Quick start 2 - RosStudio.......................................06
7.Quick start 3 - Pick & Place....................................07
8.After-sales terms...............................................09
To the maximum extent permitted by law, the products described in this
manual are provided
as is
. If the products are not used or stored in
accordance with this manual, there may be defects, errors or malfunctions
on them. EAI Technology does not provide any form of direct or implied
w a r r a n t i e s , i n c l u d i n g b u t n o t l i m i t e d t o t h e w a r r a n t i e s o f
merchantability, quality satisfaction, fitness for a particular purpose,
non-infringement of third-party rights, etc., nor does it compensate for
any special, incidental, accidental or indirect damages resulting from
the use of this manual or the use of our products.
Children must be accompanyied by others when they are using the device, and
the device should be turned off in time when the operation is completed.
Please prevent the robot from getting wet by water or other liquid, and
prevent the internal electronic short circuit.
During the operation of the robot, please do not put your hands into the
wheel set and be careful of injuries.
During the operation of the robot, please be careful not to let it bump into
anything else.
Important safety notes
Symbol notation
Glossary or
Important notes
Important warnings