Hardware Reference and Operational Manual: RemoteBox
Page 28
Annex V – Band Data on ICOM – Band Voltage
The RemoteBox can select automatically the antenna if you use the Band Data
(Yaesu or Elecraft K3) or Band Voltage (Icom) cable to the Radio.
Additionally to enable the software option, there is a jumper that must be set or
removed, in order to activate it. The jumper should not be placed when the Band
Data is used (Yaesu or K3) but must be placed for the Icom Band Voltage.
Band Data
Band Voltage
No Jumper
Jumper 1-2: Radio A
Jumper 2-3: Radio B
Remember to remove the jumper when you want to use the Band Data instead
the Band Voltage
Previous versions will have the jumper in another position.