Hardware Reference and Operational Manual: RemoteBox
Page 18
Section 4
RemoteBox Manager
We can use this program (RBM) in addition of the manual and automatic modes of
the RemoteBox. This software will require the use of a computer and the USB port.
We can also use the software to change the antenna labels.
The enclosed CD-ROM contains the setup file to install RBM. The filename is:
Once it is installed we can execute the program.
The first screen will present us with a communication selection. We have the option
of local connection through the virtual COM port or Remote through TCP/IP. We can
also open this menu from the RBM program by selecting Options>Communications in
the drop down menus.
For a locally USB connected RemoteBox we select: Local
We have to select the windows assigned COM port under Local > Port.
For a remotely connected RemoteBox through TCP/IP (i.e. with a Raspberry Pi) we
choose Remote (TCP/IP).
Once communication is established with the device RBM with read the RemoteBox
configuration and present a screen based on the model.
This is the screen of a 2x6 model
Remember to install the Windows USB drivers available in the CD-ROM (see
Annex III)