European Safety Systems Ltd.
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Document No. D189-00-001-IS Issue: 9 01-06-16 Sheet 4 of 7
Fig 3. Cables are to be stripped and biased toward side of unit
with allocated spacing as shown.
7.2 Tone Selection
The D2xS1 alarm horns have 64 different tones. The tones are
selected by operation of the tone setting DIP switches (see Fig.
2) on the PCB. The alarm horns can also be switched to sound
the second, third and fourth stage alarm tones. The tone table
(Table 1) shows the switch positions for the 64 tone and which
tones are available for the second, third and fourth stages.
8) AC Wiring
8.1 Wiring Diagram
Fig 4. AC Simplified Block Diagram
8.2 Unit’s First Stage Tones
Stage one (S1) operation: Simply connect the supply voltage to
the L and N supply terminals, (see fig. 5).
8.3 AC Units Second, Third and Fourth Stage Tone
To select the second, third and fourth stage tones on the
D2xS1 AC alarm horns.
Stage two (S2) operation: Power L and N, link the common (C)
and S2 terminal.
Stage three (S3) operation: Power L and N, link the common
(C) and S3 terminals.
Stage four (S4) operation: Power L and N, link the common (C)
and both the S2 and S3 terminals.
Fig. 5 AC Terminals
9) DC Wiring
9.1 DC Stage Polarity Control
The stage switches of the DC powered D2x units can be
activated via Positive (+ve) or Negative (-ve) switching. All
units are factory set to -ve switching as standard. If +ve
switching is required, the two wire links should be removed
from the ‘-’ positions of the stage polarity control terminals and
fitted to the ‘+‘ positions as shown in fig 6.
Fig. 6 Stage Polarity Control settings.
9.2 Wiring Diagrams
Fig. 7a DC Simplified Block Diagram (negative switching)
wires to
the side
STAGE 4 = S2 + S3
STAGE 4 = S2 + S3
Glands and/or stopping plugs to be customer supplied to suit application.
Wire Links in ‘-‘ positions
for –ve switching
Wire Links in ‘+‘ positions
for +ve switching