8.2 Configuration file
The calibration file is saved on the PC as .pdu file. It can be edited without a connected PDU.
8.2.1 PC
To create a new configuration, select »File«, »New« and select the module version for which the programme is to be created. The
PDU type is required to create the list of available inputs and outputs. In addition, a unique name must be assigned to the selected
This procedure can be repeated to create several module configurations.
Load a previously saved calibration by selecting »File«, »Load«.
Save the calibration in the working directory with »File«, »Save« or in another location with »File«, »SaveTo«.
Select »File«, »Print« to print the current page in black and white as it is displayed. This includes the text and the respective
simulation status.
Select »File«, »Save as text« (Q) to export all I/O information to a text file. This is saved in the working directory.
8.2.2 Working directory
The working directory is maintained across all applications and can be edited in PDUsetup. To change the current working directory,
select »Working Directory« under »File«. Use »CREATE« to create a new folder in the current location. Use »SELECT« to select the
current location as the new working directory. If the location has not been used before, a .cfg file will be created. Selecting »Working
Dir Behaviour« allows the .cfg file to be edited. All .pdu files are saved in the PDUsetup folder without any other directories.
8.2.3 Device
Retrieve a configuration from a connected PDU with »Device«, »Get«.
Program a connected module with the created configuration by selecting »Device«, »Set«. If several modules are connected, the
device to be programmed can be selected via the serial number.
When programming is complete, device information and any messages describing configuration problems such as invalid current
limits are displayed. Current limit values can be found in the data sheet of the respective device.
A connection to a device via »Device«, »Connect«, is only used for monitoring. In this state, no changes can be made to
the configuration, nor can the device be programmed.
Figure 15: Structure of the working directory