E-flite Ultimate 20-300 Assembly Manual
7. Slide the elevator joiner wire into the slot for the
stabilizer before gluing the stabilizer into position.
: To avoid leaving the marks of the lines from the pen
where the location marks are made on the stabilizer, use
alcohol and a paper towel to remove the lines from the
top of the stabilizer first. Then slide the stabilizer in and
wick thin CA on the top left and right joint first, using the
bottom lines for the alignment. Now use the alcohol and
paper towel to remove the lines from the bottom and glue
those joints last.
8. Slide the stabilizer back into the fuselage and double-
check the alignment as described in Steps 2 through 4.
Wick thin CA into the joint between the fuselage and
stabilizer to glue it in position. Remember to apply CA to
the top and bottom, left and right joints.