You should bind your aircraft and transmitter before doing these tests. Move the controls on the transmitter
to make sure aircraft control surfaces move correctly and in the proper direction.
Control Direction Test
Before first flights, or in the event of an accident, make sure
the flight control surfaces are centered. Adjust pushrods
mechanically. Adjustment only in the transmitter may not
correctly adjust aircraft control surfaces due to mechanical
limits of linear servos.
1. Make sure transmitter trims are neutral and control sur-
faces are centered. Where possible, transmitter sub-trim must be set to 0.
2. When needed, use a pair of pliers to carefully bend the metal of the pushrod (see illustration).
3. Make the U-shape narrower to make the pushrod shorter. Make the U-shape wider to make the
pushrod longer.
Do not use Sub-Trim to adjust the center position of the servo, and never set Travel adjust values
above 100%. Ultra Micro servos are unique in that they are calibrated to reach maximum travel at 100%.
Increasing the value above 100% will NOT result in more travel, but can cause the servo to lock and will
result in poor flight characteristics.
The picture here shows positions chosen for the most balanced
aerobatic response. Changing this configuration dramatically
affects aircraft response. Picture not to scale.
Control Centering
Settings for Control Horns
Adjusting Center of Gravity (CG)
The CG location is 82mm forward from the trailing edge of the aileron at the fuselage.
: Adjust CG by moving flight battery on fuselage.
Elevator, Aileron and Rudder
Modellbau Lindinger GmbH e-Mail: [email protected] www.lindinger.at
Modellbau Lindinger GmbH e-Mail: [email protected] www.lindinger.at