E-flite BAe Hawk ARF Assembly Manual
5. Position the control horn on the aileron and
trace the outline of the horn onto the wing using a
felt-tip pen.
6. Use a hobby knife and a new #11 blade to
remove the covering 1/16-inch (1.5mm) from the
inside of the lines drawn in the previous step. Use
care not to cut into the underlying wood of the
Use a paper towel and rubbing alcohol
to remove the lines from the aileron once
the covering has been removed.
7. Use medium CA to glue the aileron control
horn to the aileron. Allow the CA to fully cure
before proceeding.
8. Insert the Z-bend of the aileron pushrod into the
hole of the servo arm that is farthest from the center
of the arm.
9. Slide the pushrod keeper onto the aileron
pushrod wire as shown in the photo.
There are two pairs of pushrod keepers included
with your aircraft. The correct ones for the aileron
pushrods will have larger holes than the elevator
pushrod keepers. If the keepers are difficult to
slide on the wire, try a different keeper, as they
should slide easily on the pushrod wire. Make
sure that these pushrod keepers are slid on to the
pushrods before making the bend in Step 11.
10. Make sure the aileron servo has been centered
using the radio system. Mark the pushrod using a
felt-tip pen where it crosses the hole in the aileron
control horn that is one up from the bottom of the
horn as shown.