E-flite BAe Hawk ARF Assembly Manual
16. Cut four pieces of clear tape from the supplied
tape using scissors and use them to attach the servo
cover to the wing. Make sure the servo can operate
without binding on the servo cover.
You can also glue the cover to the wing using canopy
glue or epoxy. The only drawback is that if you ever
have a problem with the servo you may damage the
cover and wing covering removing the servo cover.
17. Repeat Steps 1 through 16 to install the
remaining aileron servo linkage.
Mounting the Main Wing Panels
Required Parts
Left wing assembly Right wing assembly
Carbon wing rod, short
Carbon wing rod, long
Fuselage assembly
9 inch (228mm) extension (2)
Required Tools and Adhesives
15-minute epoxy
Mixing cup
Mixing stick
Epoxy brush
Paper towel
Rubbing alcohol
Low-tack tape
Dental floss/string
1. Secure a 9-inch (228mm) servo extension to
the aileron servo lead. Use thread or dental floss
to secure the two together so they do not become
unplugged inside the fuselage.
You can also use large heat shrink to secure the
extension to the servo lead. Be careful not to get
the heat shrink too hot as it could distort the plug.
2. Slide the short and long wing rods into one
of the wing panels. The longer wing rod will be
inserted near the trailing edge of the wing, and the
shorter rod toward the leading edge of the wing.
3. Slide the wing tubes into the fuselage.
Make sure to guide the aileron servo extension
into the fuselage so the wing can fit tight against
the fuselage.