E-flite BAe Hawk ARF Assembly Manual
2. Thread the eye hook into the canopy floor as
shown. An indentation has been made in the
canopy floor to indicate the correct locations for
the eye hook. Once the eye hooks are installed, use
thin CA to secure the joint.
3. Slide a rubber band through the eye hook as
shown in the photo.
4. Use a piece of pushrod wire and needle-nose
pliers to bend a small hook. Attach the hook to the
rubber band as shown in the photo below.
5. Connect the hook from the rudder band to the
eye hook installed on the radio tray in Step 1.
Insert the pins from the front of the canopy into
the holes in the fuselage, and the rubber band will
hold the canopy secure on the fuselage.
Optional Pilots
You may notice that we have pilots in the BAe hawk.
These are are not included with the kit. They can be
purchased separately under part number (PKZ4414).
The pilots were cut down to fit and were glued in with
canopy glue as shown.