E-flite Aeronca Champ 15e ARF Assembly Manual
13. Position the servo between the servo mounting
blocks. Use a pencil to mark the block against
the servo lead so it can be trimmed to provide
clearance for the servo lead.
14. Use a razor saw and sanding block to trim the
servo mounting block to allow clearance for the
servo lead.
15. Apply thin CA to the top of each servo
mounting block. The wood fibers will soak in the
CA, which will help prevent the blocks from splitting
when they are drilled for the servo mounting screws.
16. Position the servo between the blocks. Position
the servo so there is a small gap of 1/64-inch
(.5mm) between the servo cover and servo to
prevent the transfer of vibration from the airframe
into the servo. Use a pencil to mark the locations
on the servo mounting blocks for the servo
mounting screws.
17. Use a pin vise and 1/16-inch (1.5mm) drill bit
to drill the holes in the servo mounting blocks for the
servo mounting screws.
18. Apply 2–3 drops of thin CA in each hole to
harden the surrounding wood. This will help keep
the screws from vibrating loose.