May 2002
Part No. 002-5100-100
Scan Resume Delay
When a message is received or transmitted while
scanning, there is a delay before scanning resumes.
The delay after receiving a call prevents another
message from being received before a response can be
made. The delay after transmitting a call ensures that a
response is heard instead of another message occurring
on some other channel.
Transmitting in the Scan Mode
When the transmitter is keyed while scanning is
enabled, the transmission may occur on the receive,
selected, or priority channel, depending on the oper-
ating mode and programming.
Nuisance Channel Add/Delete
With standard scanning, both conventional and
SMARTNET/SmartZone channels can be temporarily
deleted from the scan list, for example, if messages
become annoying. This feature is not available with
radio wide scanning. Channels can also be perma-
nently added or deleted from a scan list as described in
the next section. Proceed as follows to temporarily
delete a nuisance channel:
NOTE: The selected channel and also conventional
priority channels cannot be deleted from the scan list.
1. While receiving a message on the channel to be
deleted, press and hold the Scan option key until a
tone sounds (about 2 seconds).
2. The channel is then deleted and scanning of the
remaining channels in the scan list resumes.
3. Deleted channels are added back into the scan list if
any of the following occur:
Scanning is turned off and then on again using the
Scan option key or menu parameter.
Transceiver power is turned off and then on again.
The selected channel is changed.
Scan Lists
Radio Wide Scan List
With radio wide scanning, there is only one scan
list available regardless of the type of channel selected,
and it is not user programmable. This scan list can
contain up to 16 channels of any type. For example, it
could include six conventional channels and ten
SMARTNET/SmartZone channels.
Standard Mode Scan Lists
NOTE: The selected channel is always scanned.
A scan list is simply the channels that are scanned
when scanning is selected. With conventional and
SMARTNET/SmartZone operation, several scan lists
can be programmed by your system operator, and each
list can include up to 16 channels/talk groups.
The channels/groups in a list are user program-
mable if the Scan Edit option key or menu parameter
is programmed. Refer to “Programming a Scan List”
which follows for more information.
The specific list that is scanned is user selectable
if the Scan (List) Select option key or menu parameter
is programmed. Refer to “Selecting a Scan List” which
follows for more information.
Determining Which Channels are in Scan List
The channels in the radio-wide and conventional
scan lists are indicated as follows. Channels in the
SMARTNET/SmartZone lists are indicated only when
editing a scan list.
1. To view the conventional scan list, enable standard
scanning using the Scan key or menu parameter.
Likewise, to view the radio wide scan list, enable
radio wide scanning using the Radio Wide Scan key
or menu parameter. Also select the scan list if appli-
cable as described in the following “Selecting a
Scan List” description.
2. Select the desired zone and then scroll through the
channels by rotating the channel switch. When the
displayed channel is in the scan list (scanned
normally), the
icon is displayed.