instruction manual
(h) After disposal of this instrument, or after its resale without our approval
(i) Failure due to relocation or transport after initial installation
(j) Failure due to disassembly, modification or relocation not approved by us
(k) Consumables, and failure of parts that have reached the end of specified
useful life
(l) Failure of parts excluded from the warranty in the instruction manual or
other documents
(m) Failure due to acts of God, including fire, earthquake, storm, lightning,
social disturbance, riot, crime, insurrection, war (declared or undeclared),
radioactive pollution, contamination with harmful substances, etc.
(n) Failure of the hardware, or damage to the system software, application
software, data or hard disk due to computer virus infection
(o) Failure of the personal computer connected with the instrument, or
damage to the system software, application software, data or hard disk due to
power interruption or momentary power voltage drop caused by lightning or the
(p) Failure of the personal computer connected with the instrument, or
damage to the system software, application software, data or hard disk due to
disconnection of main power to the personal computer without taking the
specified normal shutdown procedure
Disclaimer of Warranty
(a) Any express warranties other than the explicit conditions indicated in (1)
are excluded from this warranty.
(b) Any other implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular
purpose are not included in this warranty. No liability is assumed for direct or
indirect damages arising out of explicit or implied warranties.
(c) Oral or written information or advice given by our dealers, distributors,
agents or employees without our express permission shall not create a
warranty or in any way increase the scope of this warranty.
Installation, Relocation and After-sale Technical Service
Installation of this instrument shall be carried out by or under supervision of
qualified service personnel of Techcomp or its authorized service agent.
Before installation of the instrument, the user shall make preparations for
satisfying the installation requirements in accordance with the instruction
If relocation of the instrument becomes necessary after initial installation
(delivery), please notify your local sales representative or nearest service office
of Dynamica.