Humidity Preferences
To view the humidity information, press the drops icon.
Barometer Preferences
To view the barometer information, press the barometer icon.
Overall Preferences
Sliding a finger from the left edge of the screen towards the right, pressing the menu
button, or pressing the 3 lines at the top of the page will open the Menu.
Pressing on “Preferences” will open up the Preferences screen, which contains all of
the preferences for the SMART Air Hood
Balancing Instrument. Press either the back
button or the arrow at the top to go back to the Meter Mode main screen.
Log files can be generated from the Meter Mode screen. To start logging, slide up the
bottom tab to display the logging tile.
Press the
button to start a new log. If the logging is manual (set in Preferences),
then only a single point will be logged, otherwise it will log points for the duration stated
in Preferences. The “Points Logged” will increase, indicating how many data points
exist in the log.
button will bring up a dialog with options to continue the current
logging session or to save and close the current log.
If the
Save Log
button is pressed, the dialog box below will appear.
Touch to
change units
Touch to
change unit
Touch to
change units
Touch to
make primary
Name and file
path of the log
is displayed
in text
Touch to close the
dialog and return
to Meter Mode