Battery Voltage Recorder BVR11
5. Troubleshooting
Measurement Parameters
The highest resolution of device readings is always displayed in the Measurement and Memory menus.
Full scale
30 V
10 mV
500 V
100 mV
Table 5.1: Resolution and full scale for each measurement range
cal accuracy of BVR11 is ± (0,1% rdg + 0,1% F.S) for voltage, with the full scale values shown in the
Table 5.1.
If suspected the device is presenting inaccurate results, the following tests should be performed:
5.1. Checking voltage measurement accuracy
To check the voltage measurements in both ranges, an appropriate test should be performed.
In order to perform a test at ± 30 V range, please take the following steps:
1. Take a 6 V stable voltage source (6 V battery)
2. Connect the BVR11 device and a test battery as shown in the Figure 5.1.
3. Set the test on the BVR11 device as described in the Section 3.2.1: go to the Main menu, select the
first test voltage from the Table 5.1 and start the test. Read the voltage value.
4. Connect the digital voltmeter and the 6 V test battery as shown in the Figure 5.2.
5. Read the voltage value measured by the voltmeter. Compare the voltage values measured by the
voltmeter to the BVR11 measured values.
If voltage values do not differ from the BVR11's specified measurement accuracy, the device is
measuring correctly.
Figure 5-1. Voltage measurement check
Figure 5-2. Voltage measurement check
Perform the same test procedure with the values indicated in the Table 5.2.
Set voltage
U [V]
Measured voltage
by BVR11
U [V]
Measured voltage
by voltmeter
U [V]
Table 5.2 - Voltage measurement accuracy check