Weinstein, Y., Y. Shalem, W.C. Burnett, P.W. Swarzenski, and B. Herut, 2007. Temporal variability of Submarine
Groundwater Discharge: assessments via radon and seep meters, the southern Carmel Coast, Israel. International
Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS) Publ. 312, “A New Focus on Groundwater-Seawater Interactions,” (ed.
W. Sanford, C. Langevin, M. Polemio, and P. Povinec), 125-133.
Dulaiova, H. and W.C. Burnett, 2007. Evaluation of the flushing rates of Apalachicola Bay, Florida via natural
geochemical tracers. Marine Chemistry, doi: 10.1016/j.marchem.2007.09.001.
Burnett,W.C., N. Dimova, H. Dulaiova, D. Lane-Smith, B. Parsa, and Z. Szabo, 2007. Measuring thoron (220Rn) in
natural waters. Book chapter in “Environmental Radiochemical Analysis III” (ed. P. Warwick), Royal Society of
Chemistry, RSC Publishing, Cambridge, 24-37.
Weinstein, Y., W.C. Burnett, P.W. Swarzenski, Y. Shalem, Y. Yechieli, and B. Herut, 2007. Role of aquifer
heterogeneity in fresh groundwater discharge and seawater recycling: an example from the Carmel coast, Israel.
Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans, 112, C12016, doi:10.1029/2007JC004112.
Burnett, W.C., R. Peterson, W.S. Moore, and J. de Oliveira, 2008. Radon and radium isotopes as tracers of
submarine groundwater discharge – results from the Ubatuba, Brazil SGD assessment intercomparison. Estuarine,
Coastal and Shelf Science, 76, 501-511.
Charette, M.A., W.S. Moore, and W.C. Burnett, 2008. Uranium- and thorium-series nuclides as tracers of
submarine groundwater discharge. Chapter 5 In: “U-Th Series Nuclides in Aquatic Systems,” (eds. S.
Krishnaswami and J. Kirk Cochran), Elsevier, Amsterdam, 155-191.
Santos, I.R., F. Niencheski; W. Burnett; R. Peterson; J. Chanton, C.F. Andrade; I.B. Milani; A. Schmidt; and K.
Knoeller, 2008. Tracing anthropogenically-driven groundwater discharge into a coastal lagoon from southern Brazil.
Journal of Hydrology, 353(3-4), 275-293, DOI: 210.1016/j.jhydrol.2008.1002.1010.
165. Peterson, R.N., W.C. Burnett, M. Taniguchi, J. Chen, I.R. Santos, and S. Misra, 2008. Determination of
transport rates in the Yellow River-Bohai Sea mixing zone via natural geochemical tracers. Continental Shelf
Research, 28 (19), 2700-2707.
167. Povinec, P.P., H. Bokuniewicz, W.C. Burnett, J. Cable, M. Charette, W.S. Moore, J.A. Oberdorfer, J. de
Oliveira, R.N. Peterson, T. Stieglitz, and M. Taniguchi, 2008. Isotope tracing of submarine groundwater discharge
offshore Ubatuba, Brazil: Results of the IAEA-UNESCO SGD project. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 99,
Peterson, R.N., W.C Burnett, M. Taniguchi, J. Chen, I.R Santos, and T. Ishitobi, 2008. Radon and radium isotope
assessment of submarine groundwater discharge in the Yellow River Delta, China. Journal Geophysical Research -
Oceans, 113, C09021, doi:10.1029/2008JC004776.
Burnett W.C., R.N. Peterson, M. Taniguchi, G. Wattayakorn, S. Chanyotha, and F. Siringan, 2009. Importance of
groundwater discharge in developing urban centers of Southeast Asia. In: “From Headwaters to the Ocean:
Hydrological Change and Watershed Management,” (eds. M. Taniguchi, Y. Fukushima, W.C. Burnett, M. Haigh and
Y. Umezawa), Taylor & Francis, London, 289-294.
Burnett, W.C., S. Chanyotha, G. Wattayakorn, M. Taniguchi, Y. Umezawa, and T. Ishitobi, 2009. Groundwater as a
pathway of nutrient contamination in Bangkok, Thailand. Science of the Total Environment, in press.
Peterson, R.N., W.C. Burnett, C.R. Glenn, and A.G. Johnson, 2009. Quantification of point-source groundwater
discharges from the shoreline of the Big Island, Hawaii. Limnology and Oceanography, 54, 890-904.
Santos, Isaac R., N. Dimova, R. Peterson, B. Mwashote, J.P. Chanton, and W.C. Burnett, 2009. Extended time
series measurements of submarine groundwater discharge tracers (222Rn and CH4) at a coastal site in Florida.
Marine Chemistry, 113, 137-147.
Santos, I.R., W.C. Burnett, J. Chanton, N. Dimova, R.N. Peterson, 2009. Land or ocean? Assessing the driving
forces of submarine groundwater discharge at coastal site in the Gulf of Mexico. Journal of Geophysical Research -
Oceans, 73, 1325-1339.
Burnett, W.C., R.N. Peterson, I.R. Santos, R.W. Hicks, 2009. Use of automated radon measurements for rapid
assessment of groundwater flow into Florida streams. Journal of Hydrology, submitted.