For proper maintenance;
The pump MUST be kept clean and free of debris.
The inlet screen prevents the passage of dirt and other solid material from entering the pump, but it can be overwhelmed.
Cleanings should occur often for pumps that run constantly.
Inspectors should make sure that the float is not tangled or jammed in one position.
The pump can be tested by pouring water into the pit to ensure it activates and expels water.
A sewage pump with a jammed float is useless because it will not sense when it should turn on and shut off.
The homeowner should seek professional assistance if the pump does NOT activate.
Maintenance should take place annually, and when the home is sold.
When testing the pump, no one should ever reach into the pit. The float can be reached and manipulated with a household
item such as a golf club (with a rubber handle) or anything else non conductive laying around.
Refer to troubleshooting checklist if pump does not operate properly.
Do NOT disassemble the motor housing. This motor has NO repairable internal parts, and disassembly may
cause an oil leak or dangerous electrical wiring issues.
Do NOT lift up the pump by the power cord.
Canature is NOT responsible for losses, injury, or death resulting from a failure to observe these safety
precautions, or misuse or abuse of the pumps or equipment.
Do NOT remove the impeller
from its shaft.