(650) 965•0764
(800) 446•8811
(650) 969•8811
48501 Milmont Drive • Fremont, CA 94538
Page 4
Displays and LEDs
1. HIGH VOLTAGE: Outputs pump voltage and MAX VOLTAGE parameter
2. CURRENT: Outputs pump current, MAX CURRENT and PUMP SIZE parameters, and
Terranova® 752A status and information
3. PRESSURE: Outputs pump pressure, SET POINT parameter, and Terranova® 752A
status and information
1. HV IS ON: Illuminates when voltage operation is enabled
2. HIGH VOLT INTERLOCK IS OPEN: Illuminates when safety interlock circuit is open;
voltage operation is disabled or interrupted when LED is illuminated
3. mAMP: Illuminates when CURRENT is in the milliampere (mA) range
4. μAMP: Illuminates when CURRENT is in the microampere (μA) range
5. TORR: Illuminates when torr is selected as the pressure unit
6. mBAR: Illuminates when mbar is selected as the pressure unit
7. PASCAL: Illuminates when Pascal is selected as the pressure unit
8. SET POINT - PRESS: Parameter to modify the set point pressure value
9. MAX VOLTAGE: Parameter to modify the Terranova® 752A voltage limit
10. MAX CURRENT: Parameter to modify the Terranova® 752A current limit
11. PUMP SIZE - L/SEC: Parameter to modify the ion pump speed
12. PRESSURE UNITS: Parameter to select the pressure units for all pressure values
Display and LED descriptions apply to both channels
Since 1976