How to adjust it?
Most of modern harnesses are equipped with speed system pulleys
and sometimes even its own integrated speedbar. The speed bar
cord must be firmly attached to it.
The other end of the cord must be ran upward through the harness
pulleys and attached to the hooks.With well adjusted speed system
you should see the pulleys on the risers touch each other at max
speedbar, meaning you are using the full range of speed system.
Make sure that both cords on the speed bar are
equal, as even slight difference can result in constant,
inadvertent turning of the paraglider.
Before take-off attach paraglider risers to the harness with the main
carabiners. Then connect the hooks of the speed system cords with
hooks at the A-risers.
Before launching make sure that the speed
system is not tangled and runs freely.
Other systems
This paraglider has no other systems which can be adjusted,
exchanged or removed.
before first use