In case of damages caused by the material or
production flaws please contact the dealer that sold you
the gear. The dealer will determine further actions.
JIf you have bought the paraglider second-hand, ask previous
owner for a copy of his logbook (covering entire entire use of ther
paraglider from the day of original purchase).
Standard warranty does not cover repair
costs of damages caused by the user or
a third party. Since costs of such repairs can be considerable,
Dudek Paragliding offers an AeroCasco insurance. It offers a one
time repair of any mechanical damage, no matter how big and who
caused them.
The only expenses you will be facing are shipping costs and the
share-of-cost amount. AeroCasco can be purchased for a brand
new paragliders only (at the purchase). The AeroCasco costs 50 €.
AeroCasco is not available for all paragliders (check
before purchase). It can be purchased only for privately
used paragliders.
AeroCasco covers only damages occuring while taking-off, flying or
landing. Obviously, all faults in the material and manufacturing
flaws are covered by normal warranty.
When handing the paraglider for the repair you have to present a
card confirming its AeroCasco status. After the repair you will have
to cover only the share-of-cost value of 50 euro. AeroCasco is valid
for one repair only during covered time.
There is a possibility of extending AeroCasco for one further year.
To do this you have to send your paraglider for inspection to the
manufacturer not later than a year after the date of purchase. The
AeroCasco extension fee is 75 EUR (including inspection).
Remember to include the AeroCasco confirmation when you send
the paraglider for inspection.
AeroCasco does not cover any of the following: theft, canopy
discoloration, damages caused by incorrect storage damage ot
transport, damages caused by chemicals, salt water or force
warranty & aerocasco