Three Phase Emergency Lighting Inverter User’s Manual
Servicing of batteries should be performed or supervised by personnel knowledgeable of
batteries and the required precautions. Keep unauthorized personnel away from batteries.
When installing or replacing batteries, install or replace with the same number and type.
Do not dispose of battery or batteries in a fire. The battery may explode.
Do not open or mutilate the battery or batteries. Released electrolyte is harmful to the skin and
eyes and may be toxic.
A battery can present a risk of electrical shock and high short circuit current. The following
precautions should be observed when working on batteries:
Remove watches, rings, or other metal objects.
Use tools with insulated handles.
Wear rubber gloves and boots.
Do not lay tools or metal parts on top of batteries.
Make sure the proper polarity is observed. DC bus voltage for a twenty (20) battery string
should be between 240 and 272 Vdc as tested at the top of CB2a, b, and c (Refer to Fig-
ure 13—System Component Layout).
When connecting batteries, you must connect the individual batteries into string (s). Please see
battery layout on the inside left door of your Battery Cabinet. Note: Layout illustrate the number of
batteries in a string, number of batteries per shelf, and their jumpers placements (i.e., negative of
first battery to positive of the second battery, negative of the second battery to positive of third bat-
tery, etc.). Optional cabinets’ intra-connects provided by others that are installing unit.
Each battery cabinet has strings of batteries. Each string has a quantity of 20 battery. The batter-
ies are WP Series U1-SLA with T5 terminals.
The first battery of each shelf is placed inside right corner of the shelf with the shortest dimension,
the width, and positive terminal against the back of the cabinet. There are battery-to-battery jump-
ers and shelf-to shelf battery jumpers provided. The shelf-to-shelf jumpers are standardized to
cover many power levels. The battery-to-battery jumpers are the same gauge or smaller then the
shelf-to-shelf battery jumpers.
Installation starts by connecting the positive shelf-to-shelf battery jumper (
Be careful
not to touch or ground yourself or tools to anything while installing jumpers!)
. As each battery is
placed install the battery to battery jumpers until all batteries are installed on the shelf. Finally con-
nect the negative shelf-to-shelf jumper to complete the battery shelf installation (Refer to Figure 7
& 8 for the individual shelf and a whole cabinet).
After creating each string of batteries, ensure that each string (Each string is 20 batteries total)
consist of the number of batteries indicated by the battery layout and the measured voltage from
the first to the last battery is within the voltage range stated above.
If optional cabinet is purchased, the first and last battery of each string are then connected to the
isolation breakers in the right-side battery cabinet door. See attached image-general breaker ar-
rangement. The battery cabinet shelf-to-circuit breaker jumpers are pre-wired into the cabinet.
The installer measures the DC voltage across each circuit breaker to verify polarity and voltage
after battery installation. If the polarity and voltage are correct, then the terminal blocks above the
breakers provide for wiring each string back to the inverter cabinet. The inverter cabinet parallels
the strings. The inverter cabinet has multiple battery string terminal blocks. Refer to System Com-
ponent Layout. The number matches the number of strings coming back from the battery cabinets.
For example, if there are four strings over two battery cabinets, then a total of eight cables run
back from the battery cabinets to the inverter cabinet. Each cabinet would have four wires, two
negative and two positive coming from it.
The positive and negative terminal blocks in the inverter cabinet are grouped by polarity. This en-
sures positive and negative string connections are not inadvertently shorted together. Each cabi-
net string has a separate run back to the inverter cabinet. Each cabinet string should be brought