DSE srl - Italy - WWW.DSE.EU
Camera Zoom
Start horizontal scan
Enable / Disable autoflip
Scan = horizontal continuous pan rotation Movement (PAN) Autoflip =
automatic camera rotation once exceeded 90 ° TILT
Auto Horizontal Scan (*)
This preset allows you to quickly launch a horizontal panoramic being
able to determine the speed and direction of rotation. After retrieving the
preset 65 call within 15 seconds to a preset choice between:
1 ... 10 to select the rotation in the CW and speed from 1 to
11 ... 20 to select the rotation COUNTERCLOCKWISE and
speed from 1 to 10
horizontal linear Scan
Sets 2 and preset limit of the linear scan
speed (*)
As linear SCAN defines the horizontal continuous movement between two
preset limit which is well to have the same level of TILT. To program the
linear SCAN 3 consecutive preset must be set as follows:
set the presets 66
set the preset limit of 1 to 20 (see table below)
set the preset speed: 1 = low, 2 = average, 3 = high To
start the linear scan set to recall the preset 66.
71 (
71 (
Clear all presets
Delete all stored presets
Closes EXPERT mode
Opens EXPERT mode
The perst marked with the symbol (§) require EXPERTS activate this
mode in order to be executed. The operation can be esguita once and
remains stored. By setting the presets the camera 72 starts an overview
rotation to confirm the opening of the mode EXPERTS
Reset default
Restore the factory setting
80 (
80 (
Set time OBSERVE (*)
Set OBSERVE share (*)
The observe function serves to perform an automatic action after a certain
time the absence of commands. Call preset 80 and follow recall the desired
preset time. In the table below TIME 1,2,3 consider that the options are not
enabled and the minimum time of absence commands usable is 15
seconds (the factory default is 30 sec.).
Set preset 80 and set the presets realtivo follow the action to be performed
by choosing actions in the underlying table. Ex. To recall the preset 1 after
5 minutes of inactivity, type: CALL + 80 + 7 + CALL to set the time and 80
+ 2 + SET + SET to set the action
81 (
81 (
Set startup action (*)
Set an automatic action to be performed at startup of the camera. Call
preset 81 and to follow the preset action chosen in the action table