s y s t e m p r o g r a m m i n g
To bypass a zone:
1. Enter [
] [1] (access code if required).
2. The control unit will turn on the zone lights for any zones already bypassed.
3. Enter the 2 digit zone number to bypass the zone.
4. The control unit will turn on the zone light.
5. Press [#].
All zones that were lit when the [#] key was pressed are now bypassed.
To un-bypass a zone:
1. Enter [
] [1] (access code if required).
2. The control unit will turn on the zone lights for any zones already bypassed.
3. Enter the 2 digit zone number to un-bypass the zone.
4. The control unit will turn off the zone light.
5. Press [#].
All zones that were lit when the [#] key was pressed are now bypassed.
When the system is disarmed all manually bypassed zones will be un-bypassed.
Reactivate Interior
If the system is armed in the Stay mode
(See Section 6.6 “Arming / Disarming”), the [
] [1] command can be
used to reactivate the Stay/Away zones.
Please ensure all force-armed zones are restored before reactivating the Stay/Away zones.
○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Code required for bypass - section [015], option [5]
Trouble Display
The panel constantly monitors itself for several different trouble conditions. If a trouble condition is present the
‘System’ light will be on steady and the control unit will beep twice every 10 seconds.
The trouble beep can be silenced by pressing any key on the control unit.
Troubles can only be viewed when the system is in the disarmed state. If a trouble occurs while the system is
armed, enter your access code to disarm the system, then follow the procedure outlined below to determine
the specific trouble.
To view the type of trouble condition, press [
][2]. The System light will flash and one or more zone lights will
turn ON, indicating the various trouble conditions:
Trouble [1] - Low Battery
The main panel backup battery is low. The trouble will be generated if the battery drops below 5.8 volts under
load and will restore when the battery charges over 6.1 volts.
Trouble [2] - AC Failure
This trouble indicates that AC power is no longer being supplied to the control unit. If it is required to
communicate this to a monitoring station, program reporting codes in sections [349] and [350]. To inhibit
reporting of short duration power outages, a delay can be programmed in section [370].
Trouble [3] - Telephone Line Trouble
The telephone connection to the control unit is continuously monitored. If there is a problem with the telephone
connection, a trouble will be indicated after the delay programmed in section [370].
Trouble [4] - Failure to Communicate (FTC)
If the communicator fails in an attempt to communicate with any of the programmed telephone numbers, this
trouble will be generated. If a later attempt is successful, the FTC reporting code(s) programmed in section
[351] will be transmitted along with any other unreported events that occurred while the panel was not able to
Trouble [5] - Zone Fault (including Fire Zone)
This trouble will be indicated if any zone on the system is in a trouble condition, i.e. it could not provide an
alarm to the panel if required to do so. When a trouble condition occurs, the control unit will start to beep.
Press [5], while in Trouble mode, to view which zones have a trouble condition.
Trouble [6] - Zone Tamper
This trouble is generated when a tamper condition is present. When a tamper condition occurs, the control unit
will start to beep.
Press [6], while in Trouble mode, to view which zones have a tamper condition.