This section describes how to enroll wireless keys. For more information on these keys, read
the instruction sheet included with each key.
3.1 A Note about Electronic Serial Numbers
An electronic serial number (ESN) is printed on the back of each wireless key. ESNs are
used to enroll the wireless keys with the PC5102-433 receiver.
In order to reduce the occurrence of wireless keys with the same serial number, 6-digit
serial numbers are now printed on the back of each wireless key. The 6-digit serial
numbers include hexadecimal digits. For instructions on programming hexadecimal
numbers, see your system
Installation Manual
, Section 4: How to Program.
NOTE: 6-digit serial numbers are only supported on the following control panels:
PC5020, P-8+, PC501X v2.0 and higher, P832/DL v2.0 and higher, PC1555(MX), P-
6B(MX), PC580 and P-48.
The (P)WLS909-433 and (P)WLS919-433 keys have both a 5-digit and a 6-digit serial
number printed on them. When connecting the PC5102-433 to a PC5010 v1.x or P-832
v1.x panel, enter 5-digit serial numbers only. When connecting the PC5102-433 to a
PC5020, P-8+, PC5015 v2.x and higher, P832DL v2.x and higher, PC5010 v2.0 and
higher, P832 v2.0 and higher, PC1555(MX), P-6B(MX), PC580 or P-48 panel enter the
6-digit serial number.
3.2 Enroll & Program Wireless Keys
For wireless keys to work on the system, you need to enroll them and then program the
function buttons, if the default values are not the functions desired. Wireless keys are
not assigned to zones and require no zone programming. You can enroll up to 8
wireless keys on the system.
Enroll Wireless keys
1. At a system keypad, enter [
][8][Installer’s Code] to go to the installer’s
programming section.
2. Enter programming section [804].
3. Enter a 2-digit number [41]-[48] to program the wireless key serial number.
These numbers correspond to wireless key numbers 01- 08.
4. Enter the key’s ESN. The entry
be six digits. If an older key with a 5-
digit ESN is being enrolled, add the digit [0] to the beginning of the ESN
(e.g., ESN=61234, enter 061234).
5. The key is now enrolled on the system. Record the serial number and the
assigned slot number in the programming worksheets in the back of this manual.
6. Repeat steps 3 - 5 until all wireless keys have been enrolled.
7. (((((PC5020/P-8+/
X/P832/P832DL only)
only) By default, all wireless keys are
assigned to Partition 1. To assign keys to Partition 2, enable the appropriate
options in programming section [91].
NOTE: A wireless key can only be assigned to one partition.
8. To exit press [#].
Program the (P)WLS909-433 or (P)WLS919-433 Function Buttons
(P)WLS909-433 and (P)WLS919-433 wireless keys have four programmable function
buttons. Default functions have been assigned, but you may program other functions
if desired. After the functions are programmed, when you press and hold one of the
four buttons for one second, the system will execute the programmed function.
S E C T I O N 3
Enrolling Wireless Keys