After six hours upon power up, the panel will not answer incoming calls unless the
Answering Machine/
Double Call
option is enabled, or the
Number of Rings
is programmed to be more than [0].
If the
User Initiated Call-Up
option is enabled, the user can have the panel initiate a call to the
downloading computer by pressing [
][6][Master Code][6].
Download Access Code
Panel Identifier Code
are for security and proper identification. Both the
panel and the computer file should have the same information programmed before attempting to download.
The time to complete a successful download can be significantly reduced with the use of the PC-Link. This
adaptor makes it possible to perform on-site downloading. To
Initiate Local Downloading via the PC-Link
enter [
] [8] [Installer’s Code] [499] [Installer’s Code] [499]. All keypads will be busy for the duration of the PC-
Link connection. The status LEDs will display the current system status on the keypad where the PC-Link was
initiated. For more information on connecting the PC-Link, refer to your “PC-Link Download Kit Instruction Sheet”.
Downloading can also be performed through the LINKS1000 cellular communicator if the phone line is
disconnected. If using the LINKS1000 with Call Back, you need to program the
LINKS1000 Preamble
the downloading phone number in order for the panel to call the computer correctly.
When downloading labels for LCD keypads, only the LCD keypad assigned to slot 8 will receive the labels.
In addition, version 1.0 and version2.0 LCD keypads are not compatible on the same system. For more
information refer to the Download Manual included with the computer software.
Answering Machine / Double Call ........................... Section [401], Option [1]
User Enable DLS Window ...................................... Section [401], Option [2]
Call Back ................................................................. Section [401], Option [3]
User Initiated Call-up .............................................. Section [401], Option [4]
Answering Machine Double Call Timer .................. Section [405]
Download Computer Telephone Number ............... Section [402]
Download Access Code ......................................... Section [403]
Panel Identifier ........................................................ Section [404]
LINKS1000 Preamble (Downloading) .................... Section [490]
One-time 1-hour user enabled DLS window ......... Section [701], Option [7]
Partitions / Zone Assignment
A partition is a defined area which will operate independent of another area of the system. The panel can
be divided into two partitions. For example, in an office/warehouse installation it may be necessary to limit
warehouse employees from accessing the office and office employees from accessing the warehouse.
Any zone can be assigned to either, or both partitions. Any Access Code can be assigned to work on
either, or both partitions
(See Section 3.4 “[
] Commands, [
][5] Programming Access Codes”).
Global Zones
are zones assigned to both partitions. A common zone will only be armed when both
partitions are armed and will be disarmed when either partition is disarmed.
Keypads can be assigned to work on either partition or can be assigned for Global operation
Section 2.6 “Keypad Assignment”).
Each partition can be programmed to report using a different Account Number
(See Section 5.5
“Communicator - Account Numbers”).
Some of the Programmable Output options are also selectable by Partition
(See Section 5.10 “PGM Outputs”).
Partition 2 Enable
option must be programmed before Partition 2 will operate.
At default zones 1 through 8 are assigned to Partition 1. If additional zones are being used or the
application requires two Partitions zones must be enabled to operate on the correct Partition.
Zones programmed as Null must be removed from both Partitions (See Section 5.1 “Zone Definition).
Partition 2 is Enabled ............................................. Section [201], Option [1]
Partition 1 Zone Assignments ................................ Section [202] to [205]
Partition 2 Zone Assignments ................................ Section [206] to [209]
Programmable Outputs
Programmable outputs are available on the following devices:
• PGM1 and PGM2 on the PC5015 main board
• 8 low current outputs available with the PC5208 Output Module
• 4 high current outputs available with the PC5204 Power Supply/Output Module
Programming any of the outputs is a two step process. First an option from the list below must be
selected for the PGM Output. Second, the output attributes must be selected. The following is a list of the
programmable output options and attributes.
Programmable Output Options
[01] Burglary and Fire Bell Output
The output will activate when the alarm output for the assigned
partition is active and will turn off when the alarm output is silenced. If the alarm output is pulsing the PGM
output will pulse as well. This output will follow the activation of the alarm output (pre-alert) for delayed fire