Arming / Disarming
The system cannot be armed unless the ‘Ready’ light is on. If the ‘Ready’ light is not on make sure all
protected doors and windows are secure and stop movement in areas covered by motion detectors. When
the ‘Ready’ light is on enter any valid Access Code. As each digit is pressed the keypad will beep. If an
incorrect code is entered the keypad will emit a steady 2 second beep to indicate the code was not correct.
If the code is correct but the ‘Ready’ light was not on the panel will beep six times rapidly followed by a long
two second beep to indicate the system was not Ready. When the correct code is entered and the system is
Ready the panel will beep six times rapidly and the ‘Armed’ light will turn on. Exit the premises through the
designated entry/exit door. Other methods of arming are available
(See Section 3.4 “[
] Commands - [
] [0]
Quick Arm, [
] [9] Arming Without Entry Delay” and Section 3.5 “Function Keys”).
The PC5015 has a built-in feature called Audible Exit Fault. See Section 5.15 “Entry/Exit Delay Options
for more information.
Users can restart the exit delay while it is counting down by pressing the Away key. The system will not
log the user who re-started the exit delay, unless the
Quick Arming Disabled/Function Keys Require
option is turned on (section [015], option [4]).
If the system has been Stay armed, or armed with no entry delay ([*][9]), pressing the Away key will
not start an exit delay.
To disarm the panel enter the premises through the designated entry/exit door. The keypad will emit a steady
beep to warn that you must disarm the system. During the last 10 seconds of entry delay the panel will pulse the
keypad beeper on and off rapidly to warn the entry delay is about to expire. Enter a valid Access Code at the
keypad. If an error is made, re-enter the code correctly. When a correct code is entered the keypad will turn off
the ‘Armed’ light and stop the keypad buzzer. If an alarm occurred while the panel was armed the ‘Memory’ light
and the zones which caused the alarm will be flashing. Press the [#] key to return the keypad to the Ready state.
Using the Away Button While Stay Armed
If a partition is armed in Stay mode and a user wishes to leave the premises without having to disarm and
re-arm the system, they may press the Away button. The system will begin counting the standard exit
delay, allowing the user to leave without actually disarming. The panel will log “Armed in Away Mode”
upon completion of the Exit Delay. This feature is useful for users with Wireless Keys with Stay/Away
buttons, and who wish to have their panel armed at all times.
Using the Stay Button While Away Armed
Pressing the Stay key while a partition is Away armed will begin the Exit Delay again. The panel will log
“Armed in Stay Mode”. This feature is useful for users with Wireless Keys with Stay/Away buttons, and
who wish to have their panel armed at all times.
If Function Keys require the entering of an access code, a valid access code must be entered to
toggle between arming modes. The access code used to perform this function will be logged with
“User Log User XX”. Swinger Shutdown will be reset if the Stay or Away buttons are pressed while
the system is armed.
Auto Bypass
When the system is armed and any zone or zone(s) on the system have been programmed as Stay/Away
the panel will immediately turn on the ‘Bypass’ light. It will then monitor all zones programmed as Delay 1
and Delay 2. If no delay type zone is violated by the end of the exit delay the panel will bypass all Stay/
Away type zones. The ‘Bypass’ light will remain on to inform the home owner that the interior protection
has been automatically bypassed by the panel. If a delay zone is violated during the exit delay, the Stay/
Away zones will be active after the exit delay expires.
This is a convenience for the user that wishes to arm the panel while at home. The user does not have to
bypass the interior manually.
The user can add the Stay/Away zones back into the system at any time by entering the [
] [1] keypad
(See Section 3.4 “[
] Commands, [
][1] Zone Bypass”).
Other methods of Stay arming are available
(See Section 3.5 “Function Keys”).
] Commands
] [1] Zone Bypassing
The [
] [1] keypad command can be used to bypass individual zones. It can be used if the user wants to
have access to an area while the Partition is armed or to bypass a defective zone (bad contact, damaged
wiring) until service can be provided. A bypassed zone will not cause an alarm. Instructions on zone
bypassing can be found in the PC5015 Instruction Manual (“Zone Bypassing”). When the partition is
disarmed, all zones bypassed using [
] [1] will be unbypassed, except for 24-hr zones.
Code Required for Bypass
is enabled an access code will be required to enter the Bypass mode. Only
access codes with the Bypass attribute enabled will be able to bypass zones (See Section 3.4 “[
Commands, [
] [5]“).