24 Hour Supervisory Zone
If this zone is violated, whether armed or disarmed, the panel will report to
the central station, and log the zone fault. This zone gives a silent alarm by default.
Do not wire 24-Hour Supervisory zones on keypad zone terminals.
24 Hour Supervisory Buzzer Zone
Whether armed or disarmed, when this zone type is violated the
panel will immediately latch the keypad buzzer until a valid access code is entered and will communicate
immediately to the central station.
24 Hour Burglary Zone
If this zone is violated, whether armed or disarmed, the panel will immediately
latch the alarm output and communicate to the central station. The alarm will sound for the Bell Cutoff time
programmed in
Section [005] “System Times” or until a valid access code is entered.
[12] - [20]
The following zone definitions operate similar to the 24 Hour Burglary except for System Event output type
and SIA identifier:
[12] 24 Hour Holdup Zone
[15] 24 Hour Medical Zone
[18] 24 Hour Sprinkler Zone
[13] 24 Hour Gas Zone
[16] 24 Hour Panic Zone
[19] 24 Hour Water Flow Zone
[14] 24 Hour Heat Zone
[17] 24 Hour Emergency Zone
[20] 24 Hour Freezer Zone
NOTE: [12] 24 Hour Holdup zones give a silent alarm by default.
24 Hour Latching Tamper
If this zone is violated the installer must enter Installer Programming before
the panel will allow either Partition to be armed. The bell output will also activate for the programmed time
and the panel will communicate the alarm.
Momentary Keyswitch Arm Zone
Momentary violation of this zone will alternately arm/disarm the
Partition the zone is assigned to. This zone type should not be programmed as global.
Maintained Keyswitch Arm Zone
When this zone is violated, the partition it is assigned to will arm.
When this zone is secured, the partition will disarm. This zone should not be programmed as global zone.
Do not program wireless zones as [21] or [22] Keyswitch or as [24] LINKS Answer zones.
LINKS Answer Zone
If the LINKS1000 cellular communicator is being used it is possible to perform
downloading through the unit if the phone line is disconnected. If this is required connect the RING
terminal of the LINKS1000 to this zone. Refer to the LINKS1000 Installation sheet for more information.
Do not wire LINKS Answer zones on keypad zone terminals.
Interior Delay Zone
When the system is fully armed (ie. away armed), this zone will, as is standard, follow
the exit delay. It will also follow the entrance delay, provided that a delay zone is first tripped. If the delay
zone is not tripped first, a zone defined as “Interior Delay” will go into alarm instantly. When the system is
at-home or home armed this zone will be active, but when it is tripped, it will initiate the entrance delay.
24 Hour Non-Alarm
This zone type will be active at all times but will not cause an alarm.
This zone type shall not be used for Downlook-initiating zones (DLM-4L v1.0L) .
Delayed 24 Hour Fire (Wireless)
This zone type operates the same as [07] Delayed 24 Hour Fire Zone
and must be used if the smoke detector is wireless.
Standard 24 Hour Fire (Wireless)
This zone type operates the same as [08] Standard 24 Hour Fire
Zone and must be used if the smoke detector is wireless.
Assigning Keypad Zones
Each keypad has a zone input to which a device—such as a door contact—can be connected. (See
Section 2.12 “Keypad Zones” for wiring information.)
Once the keypad zones are installed, assign the zone in programming section [020]
Keypad Zone
Enter the 2 digit zone designated for each keypad (slot) from 01-32.
Keypad Zone Assignments .................................... [020]
Zone Attributes
Each zone will operate according to the Zone Definition selected for it
(See Section 5.1 “Zone Definitions”).
Additional zone attributes can be programmed to customize the operation of a zone for a specific
application. The following attributes are programmable by zone:
Attributes for Fire Zones should not be changed from default.
Determines whether the zone will activate the alarm output or will be silent.
Determines if the alarm output will be steady or pulse on for 1 second and off for one second.
Activate Chime
Determines if the zone will activate the chime feature
(See Section 3.4 “[
] Commands,
] [4] Door Chime ON/OFF”).
Bypass Enable
Determines if the zone can be manually bypassed
(See Section 3.4 “[
] Commands, [
] [1]
- Zone Bypass”).