Section 2: User Commands
Section 2: User Commands
Any system keypad can be used to program or perform any keypad command. LED keypads use status and zone indicator lights to represent
alarm functions and status. The LCD keypad displays the description and status indicator lights represent alarm functions and status. This section
describes basic keypad commands. Refer to the PC1616/1832/1864 Reference Manual for detailed description of all keypad commands.
Press the
key to reset the keypad if an error has been made entering user codes or keypad commands.
Section 2.1 – Away Arming
The Ready light must be
to arm the system. If the Ready light is
, ensure all protected doors and windows are secure or bypassed. To
arm the system in the Away mode, either press and hold the Away function button for 2 seconds or enter a valid user code and leave the pre-
mises through a door programmed as Delay. Upon arming, the Armed light will turn
. If a user code was used to arm the system and Stay/
Away zones are programmed, the Bypass light will turn
and will turn
when a door programmed as Delay is violated. If the Audible
Exit Delay option is enabled, the keypad will beep once every second during the exit delay (and three times a second during the last 10 sec-
onds) to alert the user to leave.
Section 2.2 – Stay Arming
The Ready light must be
to arm the system. If the Ready light is
ensure all protected doors and windows are secure or bypassed. To
arm the system in the Stay mode, either press and hold the Stay function button for 2 seconds or enter a valid user code and stay within the
premises (do
violate a door programmed as Delay). Upon arming, the Armed light and Bypass light will turn
. If the Stay function
button is used, the keypad will not beep during the exit delay. If a user code was used, the keypad will beep if the
Audible Exit Delay
is enabled.
Section 2.3 – Disarming
The user must enter through a door programmed as Delay. Upon entering, the keypad will emit a steady tone (and emit a pulsing tone during
the last 10 seconds of entry delay) to alert the user to disarm the system. Enter a valid user code to disarm the system. If an alarm occurred
while the panel was armed, the Memory light and the zones that went into alarm will be flashing (LED keypad) or the keypad will display
‘Alarm in Memory’ (LCD keypad). Press the
key to return the keypad to the Ready state.
Section 2.4 – [ ] Commands
The following is a list of the
[ ]
commands available and a description of each:
[ ][1]
Bypass (disarmed state)/Reactivate Stay/Away Zones (armed state)
[ ][2]
Display Trouble Conditions
[ ][3]
Display Alarm Memory
[ ][4]
Door Chime Enable/Disable
[ ][5]
User Code Programming
[ ][6]
User Commands
[ ][7][x]
Command Functions 1 – 4
[ ][8]
[ ][9][code]
No-Entry Arming
[ ][0]
Quick Arm (disarmed state)/Quick Exit (armed state)
[ ][1] Bypass/Re-activate Stay/Away Zones
LED Keypad:
[ ][1]
to enter the bypass mode. If the Code Required for Bypass option is enabled, enter a valid user code. The Bypass light will
flash. The keypad will turn
the corresponding zone light to indicate a zone is bypassed. To bypass or unbypass a zone, enter the 2-digit
zone number. Once the correct zones are bypassed, press
to exit. The Bypass light will be
if any zones are manually bypassed.
LCD Keypad:
[ ][1]
to enter the bypass mode. If the Code Required for Bypass option is enabled, enter a valid user code. The keypad will display
‘Scroll to View Zones’. The keypad will display the programmed zone labels for the zones and include the letter ‘
’ in the bottom, right cor-
ner if the zone is violated or the letter ‘B’ if the zone is bypassed. Scroll to the appropriate zone and press the
[ ]
key to change the bypass
status (or enter the 2-digit zone number). Once the correct zones are bypassed, press
to exit.
Additional Bypass Commands:
Bypass Recall:
. The keypad will recall the last group of zones that were bypassed
Clear Bypass:
. The keypad will clear the bypass on all zones.
Save Bypass:
. The keypad will save which zones are manually bypassed.
Recall Save:
. The keypad will recall the bypassed zones that were saved.
Hold Up Zones cannot be assigned to bypass groups.
Re-activate Stay/Away Zones:
[ ][1]
when the system is armed in the Stay mode to change the armed status to Away mode. The system will add the Stay/Away
zones back into the system after the exit delay time expires.