Section 4 – Programming Descriptions
Section [005] System Times
After entering Section
, enter the 2-digit subsection number for the desired partition and program the
Entry Delay 1
Entry Delay 2
Exit Delay
for each active partition on the system. Valid entries are from
for SIA CP-01 panels (in sec-
onds). Enter subsection
to program the
Bell Cut-Off Time
. Valid entries are from
(in minutes).
Section [006] Installer Code
The default Installer Code is
if 6-Digit Access Codes is enabled.
Section [007] Master Code
The default Master Code is
if 6-digit Access Codes is enabled.
Section [008] Maintenance Code
The default Maintenance Code is
(not programmed). This code can arm any partition but cannot disarm unless the partition is in
Section [009] to [011] PGM Outputs
The PC1616 and PC1832 have two on-board PGM outputs (PGM1 and PGM2). The PC1864 has four on-board PGM outputs (PGM1 to
PGM4). The panel has the capacity for up to 14 PGM outputs (8 additional low-current PGM outputs with PC5208 module, 4 additional
high-current PGM outputs with a PC5204 module).
PGM Output Options
24-hr. Non-Latching Tamper Zone:
Instant tamper condition when violated. Active in both the armed and disarmed state.
Night Zone:
Functions like Interior Stay/Away but will remain bypassed if the user presses
[ ][1]
to re-activate Stay/Away zones
when armed in the Stay mode
Delayed 24-Hour Fire (Wireless/Addressable):
Same as Delayed 24-Hour Fire (Hardwire) but must be used for wireless or
smoke detectors
Standard 24-Hour Fire (Wireless/Addressable):
Same as Standard 24-Hour Fire (Hardwire) but must be used for wireless or
smoke detectors
For Future Use
Fire and Burglary:
Output will activate (steady for burglary, pulsing for fire) if an alarm occurs on the selected partition
For Future Use
Sensor Reset:
Output will normally be active and deactivate for 5 seconds when a
[ ][7][2]
fire reset command is entered or when an Auto-
Verify Fire alarm is detected
2-Wire Smoke:
Configures PGM2 as 2-wire smoke detector input (PGM2 only)
Armed Status:
Output will activate when all of the selected partitions are armed
Ready Status:
Output will activate when all the selected partitions are in the Ready state (Ready light
Keypad Buzzer Follow:
Output will activate and follow the keypad buzzer for the selected partition when the following events occur; entry
delay, door chime, audible exit delay, automatic arming pre-alert, 24-Hour Supervisory Buzzer zone alarm
Courtesy Pulse:
Output will activate during entry/exit delay if the selected partition is armed – will remain active for an additional 2
minutes after the entry or exit delay expires
System Trouble:
Output will activate when any selected trouble condition is present
Latched System Event (Strobe):
Output will activate when a selected condition occurs on any selected partition. Note output can be
programmed to follow timer
System Tamper:
Output will activate when any tamper condition is present
TLM and Alarm:
Output will activate if a telephone line trouble is present and then an alarm occurs
Output will activate for 2 seconds when a valid kissoff is received from the central station
Ground Start:
Output will activate for 2 seconds when the panel attempts to seize the phone line (additional dial tone search must be
programmed in the central station phone number – HEX
Remote Operation:
Output can be activated/deactivated via the DLS software
For Future Use
Away Armed Status:
Activates when all of the selected partitions are armed in Away mode