GSM/GPRS Alarm Communicators
(GS3125 series only)
In addition to the processes described in the section Remote activation and deactivation of the outputs, it is also
possible to carry out other remote procedures through the transmission of various SMS messages.
Changing the user code
The default user code is ‘0001’; to change it, send an SMS message consisting of the characters “#CUC” followed by the
old User code and the new User code between * characters, in accordance with the following formula:
#CUC*User code*New User code*
You will receive an SMS confirmation if the User Code has been changed.
The User code may only consist of numbers from 0 to 9 (maximum 4 digits).
Enabling or disabling remote programming
Remote programming makes it possible to use the functionalities of the GS3100 Series Console software via a network.
In order to remotely manage the parameters of the Alarm Communicator, remote programming must be enabled. This can
be done using the GS3100 Series Console software (see the Programming the device->GPRS->Remote Programming
section), or by sending an SMS message consisting of the characters “#UWS” followed by the User code and “ON”
between * characters, in accordance with the following formula:
#UWS*User code*ON*
To disable the Remote Programming, send the following SMS message:
#UWS*User code*OFF*
A text message will confirm whether the command was successful.
Changing the Installer code
The Installer Code (maximum 4 digits) is used for accessing the remote programming interface (see the Programming the device-
>Codes->Installer Code). The default istaller code is ‘0002’; to change it, send an SMS message consisting of the characters “#CIC”
followed by the old Installer code and the new Installer code between * characters, in accordance with the following formula:
#CIC*Installer code*New installer code*
You will receive an SMS confirmation if the Installer Code has been changed.
The Installer code may only consist of numbers from 0 to 9 (maximum 4 digits).
Credit balance check
To find out the credit balance via SMS, you can either use the GS3100 Series Console software (see section Programming
via PC->Options->Pay As You Go), or you can find out remotely by sending an SMS message consisting of the characters
“#CCC” followed by the * character, in accordance with the following formula:
The balance SMS will be sent to the Telephone Number #1 of the Phonebook.
The pre-paid SIM CARD credit management service may be suspended at any time, at the discretion of each
individual GSM network operator.
For proper function of this Device, use a 32 K SIM CARD (or higher).
For programming, the PC-Link cable (not supplied) must be connected to the Connector [9] of the Communicator and a COM
port on the PC (see Fig. 5); the GS3100 Series Console application is also required. The PC-Link cable shown in Figure 5a, or
the PC-Link cable shown in Figure 5b, can be used for the connection. Make sure you insert the PC-Link cable connector in the
right way. Once the PC-Link cable has been connected, set the computer COM port through the Options->Serial ports. Check
the serial link and the serial port settings in case of communication problem, or use a different USB-RS232 adapter.
To install and run the GS3100 Series Console application, you will need to log on to the PC as the Administrator;
we also recommend to verify the firewall’s options if problems arise while the application is being installed.