Laminating is the process of applying a thin clear fi lm to the surface
of a print, photograph or other type of graphic. Drytac manufactures
a wide range of Artshield
laminate fi lms for use with the Hot Press.
The materials are activated by temperatures in the 185°F–210°F
(85°C–99°C) range, with processing times ranging from 2 - 10
minutes. Please check the specifi c product recommendations before
1. Cut a piece of ArtShield™ UV HeatSet laminating fi lm (or
other appropriate heat activated laminating fi lm) approximately
1⁄2” (1cm) larger (on all sides) than the print to be laminated. At
this stage, your print may already be mounted or, if you choose,
you may dry mount at a later time without affecting the laminated
fi nish (refer to step 8 below).
2. If the print/graphic to be laminated has a non-breathable
surface such as a resin coated (RC) photograph, it will be
necessary to use a pre-perforated ArtShield laminating fi lm. If
the selected fi lm is not pre-perforated, place it onto a cutting mat
or card stock with the fi lm surface face up. Using a perforating
tool, lightly pierce the fi lm in a crisscross pattern; ensuring the
holes are approximately 1/4” (6mm) apart.
3. A release paper backing protects the adhesive-
coated side of the laminating fi lm. Peel this back
approximately 1” (2.5cm), exposing one edge of
the laminating fi lm. Place your print face up on
a clean work surface. Position your laminate on
top, exposed adhesive edge down. While holding
it fi rmly on the table with one hand, gently pull
the release paper away and toward you from
4. Check that there is no dirt or dust trapped under
the laminating fi lm. If necessary, the fi lm may be
gently lifted, the contaminants removed and the
fi lm repositioned.
5. Using a burnishing pad or soft cloth, lightly
smooth the laminating fi lm down onto the print to remove excess
air bubbles.
6. Place the print onto a larger piece of silicone release paper/
fi lm shiny side up.
7. Preheat your press to 180 - 210ºF (82 - 99ºC)*.
8. Cover your work with the foam overlay blanket and place into
the press.
9. Your work piece should be processed for two to ten minutes* -
beginning from the time that the press has achieved the desired
pressure setting.
10. The fi nal result should be a blemish-free fi nish. If any silvering
is apparent under the clear fi lm (especially visible in the dark
areas), re-insert and process for an additional 2-10 minutes*.
ArtShield™ Glossy laminating fi lm cannot be pierced and is
not recommended for photographs.
* Your actual settings will vary according to
the size of the press, type of dry mounting
tissue, the type of mounting substrate, the
artwork material used (in terms of material)
and the size of the print. See specifi c
product specifi cations for recommended
dwell times (dwell times provided are for
paper graphics).
Put the foam overlay blanket directly
on top of laminating fi lm. Do not put release
paper/fi lm between fi lm and foam overlay
blanket or between foam overlay
blanket and top of press.
Illustration 12B:
Applying Artshield
laminate to the print/photo.
Illustration 12A:
Top to bottom material
placement order in press